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A Toddler and a Baby

Infants & Toddlers

This stage covers the period from birth through three years. From the crying newborn who needs feeding every few hours to the active toddler who runs around the house and starts to talk up a storm, this is a time of significant growth and development.

Q. Can I have visitors see my newborn baby?


A. Because babies' immune systems are developing during the first six to eight weeks of life, it is preferable to avoid exposing them to too many people. Although adult family members may be the exception (as long as they are healthy), it's best to keep small children at bay, as they can appear asymptomatic even while carrying illnesses.



Q. Why is my baby drooling so much?


A. Drooling is perfectly normal and usually starts at about three months. In general, infants don’t often develop complete control of swallowing or the muscles in their mouth until they are about eighteen months old. Drooling is also common during teething. Most babies start teething around six months old, though some start earlier. And if your baby seems irritable or begins gumming their hand or your breast, that could also signify that teething has started.



Q. My baby looks bowlegged—is that normal?


A. Yes, babies are bowlegged because of their position in the womb. However, their little legs will straighten out in time. If your child’s legs haven’t straightened out or are looking more bowlegged after six to twelve months of walking, please talk with your doctor.



Q. When can I start feeding solid foods?


A. I usually recommend starting food between four and six months of age. First, start with rice cereal and then slowly introduce other foods like pureed fruit or vegetables, one new food at a time. Give at least five days of one new food before introducing another to ensure there are no problems with digestion or food allergies. If you decide to make baby food at home, always peel and cook fruits and vegetables well before they are pureed. This process will help your baby digest the food better and avoid abdominal discomfort.

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